portray a state
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
12 Dec 2021 – 23 Jan 2022
Inexhaustible Empty
11/2024 Hsinchu: Wu Chia-Yun: on the way home-Art Asia Pacific
01/2022 在日常迴圈裡感知生命神性—吳家昀個展《往復回返》裡的自我困局與追尋(下)-漫遊藝術史
01/2022 在日常迴圈裡感知生命神性—吳家昀個展《往復回返》裡的自我困局與追尋(上)-漫遊藝術史
Portray a State
Fiction Film, 20'45", 2020
A young screenwriter finds herself in a slump at the transformation of her career. She wants to heal the pain through creating but the overly personal work is received negatively, flooding her subconscious with self-doubt. Finally, facing the producer’s ultimatum, she makes a decision she cannot turn back from…